Monday, February 1, 2010

Seems Impossible yet a Star is Within Reach

Seems Impossible yet a Star is Within Reach

The Canadian Oxford Dictionary defines astronomy as: 'the study of the universe and its contents [stars]beyond the bounds of the Earth's atmosphere'.

Essentially, stars can be seen in the night sky but they are beyond human reach. In our lifetime it's unlikely that a spaceship will ever make a visit to a star. In spite of that, many people around the world choose a star and it becomes their life long friend.

Yet, Canadians have a very special star within our spacial earthy boundaries. This star has been a friend for over forty years going back to her early celebrity days on Prince Edward Island. I too worked on 'the Island' between the years of 1970 to 1973 and it's where I first met Anne Murray.

I received this kind letter and snap recently from Ms Anne Murray. She is one star that should be shared by all Canadians. She shines the brightest!
Thank-you Anne

'Maintain Our Memories'

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Dear Friends,

Thank you for your note. Please be assured that I will reply, but some e-mails require a little more research and time or reflection. If your comment hinges on policy for graves, the e-mail may have to be referred to the RCMP for an authoritative response.

*You may check this blog for your e-mail as well as my reply.
Yours truly,
