Wednesday, June 6, 2012

In Memory of Reg.#12556, Norman Terrio, Marine Division

In Memory of my father, Reg.#12556, Norman Terrio

'Friends Not Forgotten'

This photo of Norman Terrio in RCMP Marine Service uniform is a family memento cherished by his son Mr. David Terrio.

Beginning in 1935, Norman Terrio served almost five years in the Force of which nearly four years were on the open seas.

The following explanation of RCMP Marine uniforms (and humour) is provided by David Terrio:

"The men in [the RCMP Marine Service] wore a uniform not unlike the old naval uniforms worn by the Royal Canadian Navy. 

There were minor differences between the two uniforms. The Cap Tallies read MARINE RCMP SECTION and the large collars on the RCMP uniform had one 1/2 inch wide white stripe, instead of the Navy's three narrow white stripes. 

The ranks held by both units were the same and the only difference between the Chief Petty Officer, and Officer's uniform, was the Cap Badge which was the same Cap Badge worn in the Navy with the addition of the letters RCMP across the center of the badge. 

The Marine Section of the RCMP was permitted to wear moustaches, whereas the Navy members were not. This made for a few interesting incidents between the two units. Many a Navy Officer was to be taken up short for bawling out a man with a moustache to learn on closer examination that he was not navy".

Reg.#12556, Norman Terrio died in 2003. He is buried in Sackville, Nova Scotia.

(Sources) [pdf]: 

Roscoe, Spurgeon G. Sixth Section of the manuscript: Radio Stations Common? Not This Kind. p. 35.)

Additional information can be found at:
ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE MARINE SERVICE HISTORICAL REVIEW. January 2007; also [pdf]: The Origins and Growth of the Canadian Customs Preventive Service Fleet in the Maritime Provinces and Eastern Quebec, 1892-1932, David J. McDougall

I am very appreciative to Mr.David Terrio for providing this snap of his father in RCMP Marine as well as the story. Thank you!

'Maintain Our Memories'

J. J. Healy,

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