Mystery Unidentified Airman - Possible RCAF:RCMP Connection by Vet. John Henderson
Hello Joe,
Great site! I have a rather unusual query for you.
I am an amateur aviation historian with a life long interest in all aspects of aviation. One of my current projects involves a study of the many RCMP members who left the RCMP before or during WW II to join the RCAF or RAF. To date I have identified 108 such members.
I found the attached photograph alas, there was no caption. It depicts an airman - Sergeant - probably a tail gunner given where he is standing - for sure a British airfield - as the Halifax aircraft depicted did not fly in Canada during the war.
Might you be able to post it on your blog in an effort to identify the individual? It's a long shot given the passing of time and the quality of the photograph. However, it would be nice to put a name to this man while advancing both of our projects.
My hope of course is that it depicts a former RCMP member who flew with the RCAF and then returned to join the RCMP.
Best regards,
Vet. John Henderson
How I Unravelled the Mystery!
Dear Joe;
I had it (the answer) all the time . . .
You recall that I asked you to post a photograph that I had located at the then RCMP Museum several years ago. It depicted an unknown Sgt. airman (tail gunner) standing by the rear turret of a Halifax bomber. The photograph was with a collection of RCMP Air Division material - absent a caption of course. My hope was that by distributing the photograph I would learn the identity of the individual - pushing the envelope I was hoping he would be a former RCMP member.
So, today (January 19, 2010) I'm sifting through my "
RCMP Red To Air Force Blue" material and I came across a Quarterly article written by Cst. L. Smyth about his WW II experiences as a Halifax crew member (
RCMP Quarterly July 1946 Volume 12(1)at pps 43-49). This, with the exact photograph I was trying to identify included! Caption reads:
"The tail gunner's turret. Note damage on tail fin." ... and later in the narrative: "King of the Royal Mounted" Smyth, Winnipeg, MB
The [flight] crew are listed but not the Squadron or their function - three of the crew had received the Distinguished Flying Cross - their three citations mention service with 158 Squadron - a check of the 158 Squadron website reveals that one Lawrence Smyth (Reg.#11823) served with this Unit -
which connects our RCMP Cst. L. Smyth to our mystery quest!
Further the Pilot's DFC citation mentions that his a/c [aircraft] was damaged on several sorties - the caption in the article make reference to "damage on tail fin".
All to say, I now know substantially more about Cst. Smyth then I did before - and had the key to the mystery right in front of me!
"The following Airmen have been identified as having flown at some time with Pilot Norman Tilston J92642.
187818 CARROLL, Michael John Flight Engineer
R180664 MCMAHON, James Peter Emmett Wireless Operator
J35908 PACKER, Norman Allan Navigator
J94945 ROBBINS, Donald Leonard Air Gunner
J93368 SMYTH, Lawrence Air Gunner
J93380 STORSATER, Ralph George Air Bomber"
They all appear to have started their tour with 158 Squadron on September 22, 1944
Concluded Here:
Vet. John Henderson
Ottawa, Ontario
'Maintain Our Memories'