Friday, September 14, 2012

In Memory of Reg.#49937, Constable Clint M. Garnier

'Maintain Our Memories'

J. J. Healy,

1 comment:

  1. I grew up near the City of Vancouver. Each year our family would make the drive to the small town of Dewberry to visit with family. I was younger than Clint, but that allowed me to look up to him like a big brother. From taking the quads out to do chores, to jumping on the old trampoline, he was an inspiration and a role model, even before he became a member of the force. Miss you Clint. Wish I could have been around you more during my young teen years.


Dear Friends,

Thank you for your note. Please be assured that I will reply, but some e-mails require a little more research and time or reflection. If your comment hinges on policy for graves, the e-mail may have to be referred to the RCMP for an authoritative response.

*You may check this blog for your e-mail as well as my reply.
Yours truly,
