RCMP Sgt. Gavin Nash's Arduous Patrol
to old Cape Fullerton
and visit to graves of
Reg.#4152, Cst. J. Russell, RNWMP
Reg.# 869, S/Sgt. M.H.E. Hayne, RNWMP
Dear Joe;
Cape Fullerton Detachment was established in 1903 as a response to the Canadian government's
concern over sovereignty plus the activities of foreign whalers in the Hudson Bay. Cape Fullerton
Detachment was located at N63.59 W88.59 in the Northwest Territory (now part of Nunavut).
The area around Fullerton Harbour was populated by numerous Inuit families making its location
prime for its day.
In the following years, it was discovered that the waters of Fullerton Harbour were too
shallow to accommodate ships so the RNWMP post closed in 1922. It was relocated to Chesterfield Inlet.
Part of the RCMP responsibilities in the North was the inspection and maintenance of RCMP gravesites. Cape Fullerton has two such sites. Reg.#4152, RNWMP Cst. J. Russell, and Reg.#869, RNWMO S/Sgt.M.H.E. Hayne. Both members were interned near the old Detachment.
Early in March 2006, I was the Detachment Commander in Rankin Inlet. Local Bylaw Officer
and Freelance Videographer Albert Kimmaliarjuk told me that he planned to go to Cape Fullerton to capture video scenes for a documentary. Seeing the opportunity to inspect RCMP grave sites as well as embark on an actual patrol to the first Arctic Detachment intrigued me. I also planned to accompany Albert Kimmaliarjuk.
The few days before the trip were marked with remarkably warm temperatures (-17 degrees
Celsius) for this time of year. The weather was closely monitored and found to have a favourable forecast for the entire trip. Preparations were made and at 0630 hours on March 17th, 2006, our patrol commenced.
Our patrol team consisted of Cst. Elliot Chubak, Albert Kimmalirjuk and Albert’s cousin Willie. Albert’s 70 year old father Elie would join the patrol from Chesterfield Inlet to guide us to Cape Fullerton.
Our patrol would take us over land and the frozen waters of Hudson Bay. Cape Fullerton was located
over 200 kilometres from Rankin Inlet. The snowmobiles and qammutiks were prepared and the
patrol set of on the first leg to Chesterfield Inlet. Four gruelling hours overland, the patrol arrived at Elie Kimmaliarjuk’s house. Repairs were needed to the qammutiks as the 30 gallons of gas each person was transporting wreaked havoc on the wooden sleds.
Driving a Skidoo with a 200 pound qammutik over frozen rocks and tundra proved to be not
very enjoyable, Cst. Chubak damaged his throttle en route as well necessitating a trip to a
local skidoo dealer. Chesterfield Inlet members, Cpl. Kurtis Komtski and Cst. Allan Nickerson
took Cst. Chubak to the local 'Canadian Tire' for the parts.
For those 'living in the south' or new to or who have never been North, the local landfill serves as our 'Canadian Tire'. With an 'almost new' throttle installed and the qammutiks fixed, the patrol left Chesterfield Inlet. Now on the frozen sea ice of Hudson Bay, the trip became much more enjoyable.
Three hours later, with the light fading fast behind the horizon, Elie and Albert were noted
checking the GPS and pointing off in the distance. Albert reassured us that it would be about
ten minutes more, but an hour later we finally arrived at our home for the weekend!
A small 10 foot by 10 foot cabin never looked so good after the journey we had just
encountered. Of minor concern was the window of the cabin that had been smashed out. Inside,
there was about a foot of snow with some very distinctive tracks. Albert calmly explained,
"...it looks like a polar bear broke in looking for food”. Albert took plywood from his qammutik
and fixed the hole, but not our old, jittery nerves. But, after a good feed of bannock and bologna, it was off to sleep.
The morning of the March 18th, 2006 was beautiful as we saddled up for our trip to Cape Fullerton.
Our eagle eyed Cst. Chubak spotted the pole marking the channel. It wasn’t long after that,
we heading up Fullerton Harbour. Once there, the old Detachment buildings stood as a reminder
of how incredibly tough our RNWMP members had it back then.
Although abandoned in 1922, the buildings were in remarkably good condition. All the doors and windows were gone and the building was full of snow. It was a good size with an outbuilding that appeared to have an old holding cell. The view from the site was breathtaking. After a few photos, we went to the surrounding hills to locate the grave sites.
Two unmarked graves of whalers were located. One had been smashed into, likely by a polar
bear. The damaged grave site was reported to the Archaeologist for Nunavut who will consult
with local elders to determine the best course of action. The remains were still covered eliminating
the need for emergency repairs.
Cst. Chubak and Albert located the two RNWMP graves: Reg.#4152, Cst. J. Russell, RNWMP
and Reg.# 869, S/Sgt. M.H.E. Hayne, RNWMP. The graves were found to be in good condition. We paid our respects to the grave sites and bid them a 'Farewell Friends'. We quietly left the old Fullerton Post with our thoughts and with a lifetime of memories.
Day three of the adventure started the same as the other two. Spectacular weather and amazing
views. On the way back to Chesterfield Inlet, Albert spotted polar bear tracks. After tracking
for two hours, the remains of the bear were found. Interestingly enough, an Arctic fox was feasting
on the remains. The fox was intent on finishing his meal and paid no attention to his audience.
We left the fox to his well deserved meal.
We made it back to Chesterfield Inlet around noon. After a nice lunch provided by Albert’s’ mom,
we fuelled up the snow machines and headed for Rankin Inlet. The final four hours proved to be
the hardest. After close to 300 kilometres on the skidoo, it was a test of mental and physical
strength. With Rankin Inlet finally on the horizon, it was full speed ahead to a warm meal and
a hot bath.
Elie Kimmalirjuk said he could not remember the last time an RCMP member had visited the old
Cape Fullerton Detachment. For Cst. Chubak and me, it was an experience of a lifetime. Perhaps the next trip will reveal the much talked about Mystery Ghosts of Cape Fullerton?
That is a story for another time.
Reg.#41739, Sgt. Gavin Nash
Senior Aboriginal Policing Analyst
'HQ' National Aboriginal Policing Services
'Maintain Our Memories'
J. J. Healy,