Monday, October 4, 2010
Reg.#857, NWMP Sgt. Wm. Brock Wilde
Dear Joe;
There was a wonderful full page article about you and your RCMP Graves website in the Edmonton Journal, Sunday, October 03, 2010.
I am a member of the Edmonton Metro Chapter of the Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. I retired from the Edmonton Police Service in Aug 2003.
In 1999, a retired EPS member and former member of our Edmet Chapter, Ian MacLeod of Coleman, AB took the time to speak with the elderly in his town and do library and artifact research about the location of a cairn that was built for NWMP Sgt. William Brock Wilde in the Crowsnest Pass area. From his research and interviews, he narrowed down the approx. location of this cairn.
He climbed a few of the hills in the area southeast of Bellevue, AB along what I recall is Hwy 507 and located a small pile of large rocks in an area where none were naturally occurring. He dig around and found several dozen of them. He was satisfied that this was in fact the cairn built for Brock Wilde, likely 100 years ago. He rebuilt the cairn with the rocks there and several members of our Chapter accompanied Ian to the site to honour the brave NWMP Sgt. William Brock Wilde.
I have photos of our visit there as well as an information brochure that Ian produced for the Chapter members. I suggested he forward a copy to RCMP HQ in Ottawa. I don't know if he ever did.
I can scan and email this material to you.
Best regards,
Cst. Jim Holowchak
Edmonton Police Service (retired Aug 2003)
'Maintain Our Memories'
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Dear Friends,
Thank you for your note. Please be assured that I will reply, but some e-mails require a little more research and time or reflection. If your comment hinges on policy for graves, the e-mail may have to be referred to the RCMP for an authoritative response.
*You may check this blog for your e-mail as well as my reply.
Yours truly,