Saturday, November 14, 2009
Reg.#422, Cst. Leslie Norman
Hello Joe,
Reg.#422, Cst. Norman Leslie was my great grandfather.
He served with the NWMP from 1873-1875. He later served as a Civilian Scout during the North West Resistance in 1885.
Cst. Norman is buried in Saskatoon and his grave is rather non descript. Are there resources available to enhance his grave site?
Thank you,
Tim Jelinski
Prince Albert, SK
1 comment:
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your note. Please be assured that I will reply, but some e-mails require a little more research and time or reflection. If your comment hinges on policy for graves, the e-mail may have to be referred to the RCMP for an authoritative response.
*You may check this blog for your e-mail as well as my reply.
Yours truly,
Dear Tim,
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your note. I continue to be amazed when I hear from kin of our deceased members and the interest they show in ways to improve the gravesite of their loved one.
I went to my site: then to the main page. See: Buffalo Board to find these professional Headstone makers. You will see that the first couple are in Regina. I'd suggest you begin them and ask for a reference in the Saskatoon area. Each of these companies also have websites and their url's can be found on my site under Buffalo Board.
Please drop me a note and tell me if were successful. Ideally, you will want a reference to the NWMP on the marker and these companies know how to arrange for this.
•Regina Memorial Gardens 1 306 791 6789.
•Remco Memorials toll free at 1 800 667-5994.
•W. P. Monumental Co. toll free at 1-877 352-5253.
•Youngs Memorials toll free at 1-866-352-7372.
I am also attaching the name of our principal Chaplain who is based in Regina. Over the years, Fred Salerno has been very, very helpful to me and I'm sure he will also help you.
You might want to arrange for a small re-dedication for your great-Granddad's grave after the new stone has been placed on it...some of the Saskatoon RCMP Vets can be invited or ask the RCMP to send a couple members over in Red Serge for a half hour while a prayer is being said. Invite your whole family and make a day of the celebration.
Chaplain Fred Salerno
Chaplaincy Unit Manager
"Depot" Division
Regina, SK
Office: 306-780-3127
Cell: 306-539-2539
Fax: 306-780-7520
I'd like to ask you for a you have any materials on Norman obituary, or a photo, or a story, or anything?
Please keep in touch,
Yours truly,